Monday, March 30, 2009


Hey guys,
i redo it and redo it, and now it's my baby...hope you like it.
please give me some suggestions....
Good luck!


  1. hi xiao,

    i think u have some progress!
    images are great,
    and i like ur decision of making images
    the star of the show.
    maybe a little more variety on the type.
    on some of your spreads it seems that
    type are on one spot on the ride hand side..
    maybe play with size too.
    and for the "i like candy" and "line with a
    twist" spreads,
    the proportions are kinda 50-50.
    make it more extreme.


  2. great!!!
    they look so good.

    the line with the twist spread stand out a lot just because its so different. whereas the second one.. the pic is out of focus. try to exaggerate the blur or contrast so that it looks like its on purpose!

    i like :)

  3. thank you tracy. i will work on it more....


  4. thank you el...

    see you tomorrow
